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Brilla (2022)


Is a carol that invites celebration of the birth of Jesus. The piece is written in a habanera style, honors the composer’s Cuban roots, and brings vibrant energy to the Christmas tradition. The music features playful rhythms that encourage light movement and colorful melodies, capturing the joyous spirit of the season. The text is a…



SATB & Piano.

14 Pages.

5:00 mm approx.


Noche bendecida y tranquila
y aunque aún escondida
detrás de la luna se ve tu fulgor.

Brilla, que la hora se acerca. Nuestros ojos anhelan
allá en la vereda, tu luz, tu candor.

Anda, no te escondas y dime:
dime dónde se encuentra
que quiero adorarle con esta canción.

Muestra con tu luz el camino
que me lleva hasta el sitio
en el que yace el niño que se llama Amor.

Corre, ilumina el establo
con tu luz estrellita,
que ya se acerca, que ya se acerca el nacimiento del niño Dios.

Que la luna con su resplandor
te acompañe a alumbrar al Señor
cada astro le adore y le cante a una voz.

Y que el viento se una al Danzón
en cromático arrullo de amor, arropando en su lecho al hijo de Dios.

Noche bendecida y tranquila, ya tu luz se divisa,
trae la nueva que ya nació.

!Brilla, Brilla, Brilla!



Calmed and blessed night,
although it is hidden
behind the moon, your glow can be seen.

Shine, that the hour is near. Our eyes await your light there in the pathway.

Go, do not hide and tell me:
Tell me where He can be found,
that I want to adore Him with this song.

Show with your light the road that takes me to the place
where the child named Love lays.

Run, illuminate the stable
with your star light,
for it is near, it is near, the birth of God child is near.

That the moon with its radiance, accompanies you to shine upon the Lord,
star, to adore and sing to Him with one voice.

And may the wind join the «Danzon» in a chromatic lullaby of love, enveloping the child of God in his bed.

Tranquil and blessed night,
your light is spotted,
bring the news that He is already born.

Shine, Shine, Shine!


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